Friedrichstr. 13a 

D-97082 Würzburg

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Tel. 0931 40 90 46






Scherer Tours

Enjoying outdoor sports in an atmosphere of group dynamics is one of the great pleasures of  life.  And with 40 years of experience,  2700 successful trips, and over 105,000 guests... we are not stopping here. We are still learning and putting our resources to work for you.  With ski movies from our trips, many of which we post on Facebook and Vimeo, you can relive your alpine memories whenever you wish.  

For our 40th season, we proudly present the Best Of Scherer Tours.  We called it our "Greatest Hits".  It includes the best crashes, the best crossings (Lac du Lou waterboarding), the best Apres-Ski, and, last but certainly not least, the best back country powder.  So, take a ride with us and Catch the Wind!


It's a Good Feeling To Know...and nobody knows Val Thorens and the 3 Valleys better than Scherer Tours.  But, talk is cheap, right? 

It's a Good Feeling To Know...und niemand kennt Val Thorens und die 3 Täler besser als Scherer Tours.  Aber "Reden ist billig", oder? 

Are You Experienced?  You do not have to be Jimmy Hendrix.  Join for our annual Closing Ski Spectacular,  where powder snow in May is the rule and not the exception.


Are You Experienced?  Du musst nicht Jimmy Hendrix sein.  Nimm an unserem jährlichen Abschluß-Ski-Spektakel teil, bei dem Pulverschnee Ende April die Regel und nicht die Ausnahme ist.

Here is a ticket you may not yet have punched:  waterskiing on your boards.  Just one of your many options when you book a ski or board trip with us.


Den Draht zueinander, den Draht miteinander:   es macht einfach mehr Spaß, die Natur gemeinsam zu genießen.  Unsere Gruppenfahrten bringen Menschen zusammen – an den schönsten Orten mit gleichgesinnte Leuten aus unterschiedlichen Ländern. 


Viele unseren Golf und Ski Touren bieten

geführte Ski Safaris,  Board-und Ski- testing und Videoanalysen.  Auf Facebook und Vimeo werden die Erinnerungen wieder aufgefrischt, und weiter gezeigt.  Das meinen wir wenn wir sagen:  “ Memories for keeps”.

Tour Packages

Looking for a great excursion for your school, organisation, club, or company?  Well, use our 38 years of expert research to your advantage.  Results count! 


Since 1978, Scherer Tours  has planned trips for over 3,500 groups  and over 105,000 people.  Our secret-we are only as good as the last trip we have organized.



Whether South Africa or South Beach Miami, alpine links or links courses, the Algarve or Antalya, Scherer Tours knows golf destinations that you will savor.

Fun for Everyone

Adventure holidays can be rustic or luxurious, but they all have one thing in common:  they raise your adrenalin to new levels.

Time to Relax

Ski Trips are the backbone of our company.  Simply put, nobody knows the Alps better than us.